23 June 2010


I was flying over our planters at 1:00 pm today on an airbus 330. Alhamdulillah the weather was very clear so i was able to shoot some pic. Our planters nampak kecik n halus. Maybe next time i could fly our own aircraft and fly at lower altitude so the pic can show our actual planters.
Things got a little bit tough at our planters today coz all the indon workers that just arrive last week sudah kabur a.k.a sudah cabut lari.
Management team pening kepala but that is part n parcel of business. Dealing with people is the hardest part of doing bisnes. Our Pineapple is doing fine n insyaallah could b harvest in August.
Congrats to team pengarah rusa coz telah menyimen depan ofis. They have put an effort n kudos is due to them. I wasn't there but the manage to complete in time. Anyway if any of u guys yang ada contact orang nak jual rusa in big kuantiti, do informed us coz kitaorang nak beli.